make money from a blog

Easiest Ways To Make Money From A Blog In 2023

by Mourad Necib

Blogging has been found to be a great way of branding as well as a way of creating relationships with thousands of people worldwide. Although, blogs provide different forms of information, they require money to set up and run especially if you choose a self hosted option. Fees may include a domain name, webhosting and a premium WordPress theme for a great frontend design. In this article, we will provide you with the most popular ways to make money from a blog so you can cover these costs and make a good return on investment.

Advertising services

When many people start a blog, they usually have a niche market that they are targeting. This means that all posts made by them will be targeted towards a certain audience. There are many topics that people may blog about. Some of them include weight loss, health and fitness or internet marketing.

When you get to have a lot of traffic directed to your blog, this makes your blog a good investment source for advertisers. This means that you can make money by placing direct advertisements like banner ads, to earn money from direct advertising, you need to sign up with a service like BuySellAds. It allows you to sell space on your blog which will direct ads to it. The amount of money earned depends on the average number of visitors each month.


Video blogs are difficult to make but they are totally worth it. If you want to make a successful video blogging business you need to continuously upload new engaging videos to attract more people to your channel and grow your number of followers. As a video maker, the one way you can earn money is to join YouTube’s partner program. It is known to be a popular source of monetization. The program works by inserting ads and displaying them to users every time they start playing the video. You can earn money when a user clicks or views the ad.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a performance based system where an affiliate (in this case, the blogger) promotes products of a particular company with the goal of earning a commission. The program works like this: bloggers apply to an affiliate network and once they get approved, they can start recommending products on their posts. When an online user clicks on the link and buys a product, the company will credit the affiliate with a commission. One great example of an affiliate program is Amazon Associates. A commission of 4% to 8.5% can be earned depending on the category of the product sold.


Google adsense is one of the best display advertising networks. its easy to integrate and free to use. The advertisers pick a few keywords or a topic they would like to advertise about. Once you have installed Adsense on your blog, Google will display text and image ads which are related to the topics found on your blog posts. For example, if your blog is about weight loss, the ads displayed will be related to weight loss programs or healthy products. When a visitor clicks on an ad, Google will credit your Adsense account. This system is called pay per click. Your earnings usually depend on the number of page views your blog gets and the click through rate of the ad.


Nowadays, eBooks can be easily written. eBooks are known to show the author experience on a particular topic, therefore they help to increase engagement with readers and increasing your income. Due to improvement of technology, smartphones and tablets have become popular around the world which means more people are accessing content online. The percentage of readers has risen dramatically. Selling your eBook can assure you a steady income from your blog. You can also sell your eBook via platforms like Amazon Kindle, PayLoadz and Lulu.

Finally, You need to remember that blogging is not a get rich quick scheme. Therefore, to earn money through it you need to put a good strategy and work so hard to attract the right audience.

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